Real Estate
Real Estate Portal-is a compact package, aimed at bringing about total quality for interaction amongst sellers, buyers and landlords & Tenants. In the present Scenario, where the buyers wants to save time and money, searching property for purchase and renting it out, your portal is the best choice. The technology, solutions and features are aimed at providing unlimited "scalability". The Portal provides end-to-end customer service operations and high level of efficiency in recording and information dissemination thus reducing errors. The System facilitate buyers and hirers to select best property from database and have opportunity to fill all requirements on-line.
The functionality of Real Estate Portal has been designed and developed for realtors and other individuals to provide the finest automation and messaging systems. The solution being reliable and scalable, has been designed keeping in mind today's complex processing requirements and stipulations. The system is developed in a pure Internet / Intranet environment and runs on any browser.
Product Features
- Property owner's and seekers Registration.
- Property details submission & updation.
- Upload Property pictures both for sale and rent as well
- Property can be Residential, commercial or Agricultural.
- Multiple users with connectivity from anywhere in the world.
- Search property on the basis of location, size, type etc.
- Property Seeker's Registration.
- Property requirements posting by the seekers.
- Effective search engine to find suitable property.
- Search various professionals like property dealers, builders, Vastu consultants, Architects etc.
- Front page designed to place advertisements and make extra earnings.
- Self managed advertising panel.