eSchool Management System is a compact package, designed to provide a sophisticated, state of the art web technology, aimed at bringing about total quality in Education management. The system focuses on excellent coordination between School and students, making e-education scenario "a reality". eSchool provides, online integrated information of Students to the School administrators, enabling transactions with trading partners through seamless connectivity with robust security and privacy features. The technology, solutions and features are aimed at providing unlimited "scalability". eSchool provides various type of School management related service, operations and high level of efficiency in recording and information dissemination thus reducing errors.
eSchool has been designed and developed for Educational organizations, to provide the finest automation and messaging systems. The solution being reliable and scalable, has been designed keeping in mind today's complex processing requirements and stipulations. The system is developed in a pure Internet/Intranet environment and runs on any browser. eSchool uses a browser-based interface and its tree-based navigation allows users to navigate to the context very fast, thus reducing long periods of user-based education.
Unique Selling Proposition USP
Email Marketing & Newsletter Made Easy
- Accounts, Balance sheet, P & L, individual Student ledgers etc.
- Inventory & Stock reports.
- Purchase Order & GRN.
- Challan & Invoicing.
- Scroll.
- HR & Payroll with individual Staff ledgers.
- Automatic Bar code generation.
- Campus Management.
Support Services Management
- Material Management.
- Student activity records.
- Management Information system.
- Very easy Implementation and handling.
- Library Administration.
- Entry of new books with Bar Coding facility.
- Time Table Management.
- Issuance of books with Bar Coding.
- No. of period generation.
- Comprehensive search of books through various permutation combinations.
- Create your own time table with excellent checks on assignment of classes and teachers.
- Late return fine.
- Update Tome Table.
- Library rules and regulations.
- Library card Generation.
- Transport Management.
- Excellent management of timings of bus stops and bus routes according to the Institutional timings.
- Student Care Management & Examination.
- Allotment of bus to the students and managing their Pick and Drop timings.
- Excellent Examination Date Sheet building tools & Result Management.
- Unique Time Table Management.
- Hostel Management.
- Examination Management.
- Transport Management with Bus Stops and timings for the bus to pickup and Drop.
- New Exam. creation with Dates and timings.
- Allotment of room & invigilators.
- Hostel Management.
- Result entry for all the students appearing for the exams and printing of their Report Cards.
- Comprehensive Building setup system.
- Allotment of room type and no. of occupants in each one of them.
- Allotment of rooms to the students.